IGN’s review of M&B:Warband has gone up
Live Interview with Paradox Interactive’s Mattias Lilja

Starting at 1PM GMT on Tuesday, they’ll be talking all things Warband, so make sure to visit Strategy Informer!
Hooked Gamers Review
Game Reactor Review
New video exclusives on GameTrailers.com

Elder Geek Review

Gamers Nexus Review
Gamers Nexus has posted one of the 1st reviews for Warband. Click the link to check it out.
Mount&Blade Warband Released!

You can buy Mount&Blade Warband directly from TaleWorlds Store by clicking here.
You can download the game from here.
Two new exclusive videos from Gametrailers.com

Trading and Pillaging Walkthrough
Siege Warfare Walkthrough
Go see them and feel free to share your thoughts on our forums, here.